Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Year Residents

Dr. Adebisi was born in Lagos, Nigeria. Outside of medicine, she enjoys hiking, reading, traveling, and dancing. Her career goals after residency are going into private practice and going on medical mission trips. 

Dr. Gulmatico was raised in Brooklyn, NY as the oldest of three children. She is married to Dr. Yunk, who is also a resident in her class. Dr. Gulmatico is a sports fan and loves to play basketball, softball, and tennis. She also enjoys snowboarding, traveling, cooking, art, eating everything, and trying almost anything at least once. After residency, Dr. Gulmatico would like to do a fellowship.

Dr. Gutierrez-Mathura was raised in both the Dominican Republic and New York City. She is married to Dr. Matura, who is also a resident in her class. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, zip-lining, and engaging in adventurous sports. She may be doing a fellowship in either women's health or geriatrics after completion of her residency training.

Dr. Hernandez was raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico as the third child of four children. Her interests include sports and playing the piano. Dr. Hernandez is thinking about doing a fellowship after residency.

Dr. Iso is from North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. Outside of medicine, Dr. Iso is a husband and father to his four year-old son. He also likes to play soccer and go fishing. He hopes to do a fellowship after residency in either sports medicine or rural medicine.

Dr. Klieger is from Pembroke Pines, FL. She has one younger sister, Allison, who is a nurse in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She had studied abroad in Scotland and had traveled all over Europe. Her hobbies are dancing, watching football and basketball, shopping, going out to eat, and spending time with family and friends. Dr. Klieger would like to do a geriatrics fellowship after residency and then work in a nursing home.

Dr. Mathura was born in Trinidad and raised in Tobago and New York City. He is married to Dr. Gutierrez-Mathura, who is also a resident in his class. Dr. Mathura had been in the U.S. Airforce. He is also a musician, a bass guitarist. His other interests include team sports, table tennis, and swimming. He aspires to do international medicine and urgent care after completing residency.

Dr. Stuart was raised in Tampa, FL. Outside of medicine, she enjoys traveling, going to the beach, spending time with her husband, family, and friends. Dr. Stuart hopes to work in private practice after residency. She is married to Dr. Gutkin who is also in our residency.

Dr. Yunk was born and raised in Manhattan, Kansas. Dr Yunk is a big sports fan; he likes to watch and play a variety of sports. He aspires to work for a high school sports team in the future. He is married to Dr. Gulmatico who is also serving time in our residency.

Dr. Roque-Lichtig is from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. She is married to her wonderful husband, Andrew, and has three cats, one turtle, and two rabbits. Dr. Roque-Lichtig likes to eat, surf the web, and watch TV to relax. She would like to practice traditional family medicine in the future.

Dr. Gutkin was born and raised in St. Petersburg, FL. His outside interests include weight-lifting, running, playing guitar, and reading. He is married to Dr. Stuart, who is also a resident in his class. Dr. Gutkin is interested in community medicine.

Dr. Lominy grew up in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.Her outside interests include traveling, jogging, sports, and salsa dancing. Dr. Lominy is interested in a sports medicine fellowship after residency.

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