Monday, August 20, 2012

Congratulations to Drs. Edward and Kristy Magee

Congratulations to our alumni Drs. Edward and Kristy Magee for receiving the FSU Mission Award! The Mission Award honors the clinical faculty member who has distinguished him/herself by participating in activities that model the mission of the college to educate and develop exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care, discover and advance knowledge, and are responsive to community needs, especially through service to elder, rural, minority, and underserved populations. Drs. Ed and Kristy Magee were appointed to the FSU faculty in 2006, and are also alumni of the FSU Program in Medical Sciences.

Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Dumois!

Congratulations to our very own Dr. Carlos Dumois who won the FSU Outstanding Community Faculty Educator award! We're so proud of our Disney friend!

The Outstanding Community Faculty Educator Award recognizes clinical faculty members who consistently demonstrate dedication to principles of the curriculum, to identifying and meeting educational needs of students, and enthusiasm for teaching, participation in faculty development, and willingness to work collaboratively to deliver the clinical curriculum effectively. Dr. Dumois joined the FSU faculty in 2006.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Final Jeopardy 2012

This year's Final Jeopardy by the faculty had a Star Trek theme! It was a great time. And we will truly miss our graduates as they explore new worlds and civilizations... and go where no man has gone before! The graduates also did a GREAT job toasting the faculty! (A little too good...)