Saturday, April 2, 2011

Our NEW Centre for Family Medicine!

Because of a generous support from the Winter Park Health Foundation and other patrons, our family residency has a BRAND SPANKING NEW office! It's beautiful! And we are incredibly thankful for the generosity of the people of Winter Park! We moved in around June of 2010, and the transition has gone GREAT. The patients love the new space and we have been busy, busy, busy.

As you can see, Dr. Dumois and his Disney characters have made a smooth transition too. Buzz is a little disappointed that he didn't get a window seat... But some toys you can never make happy.

Jacque and Christine are enthralled with their new space. They said, "The new facilities bring us unmitigated joy! And with this new space, we can press on with our commitment to excellence in training a new generation of family doctor who will epitomize the values of our illustrious profession." Or, something to that effect... They sit in what we affectionately call "command central" and have an eagle eye's view of all the nefarious activities and pranks of the residents (and faculty).

We have a new conference room which is great for lectures, lunch conferences, and team meetings. The AV system is state-of-the-art and we use it frequently to present slide after slide after slide... Each chair has been equipped with an electric prod which sends 200,000,000 volts into any sleeping resident. More voltage is sent to sleeping faculty since they are harder to wake up.

We have two chiefing rooms! We require all residents to sing Hail To The Chief before presenting a history. In the above photo you see Dr. Santizo actively teaching two eager medical students. He was extremely good at saying things like, "That's a very interesting question! Why don't you look that up and give us a brief presentation tomorrow."

Our new facilities also has artwork! Can you imagine that? ARTWORK!!!! A doctor's office that doesn't look like a monotonous study in post-modern minimalism (like Drs. Lee and Zeini's office)! It took a while for some of us to adjust to this. At first, most of us thought the artwork was some kind of phantasm. But after Dr. Bob Vandervoort chipped his left molar on one of the paintings, we knew they were for real! Bob has an appointment with a dentist next week.

The residents even have their own comfy lounge (with a wii player). Please excuse their mess. They haven't transitioned out of their college years yet. 

Dr. Needham (our new Program Director) has a much tidier office. We call him "Mr. Clean". Personally, his attention to detail and cleanliness makes some (well most) of us faculty who are a little less tidy a little bit nervous. Give us time, we're working on him...

And finally, here is our wall of past graduates! In all seriousness, we are very proud of our alumni who have gone out into the world to help the sick, give hope to the mourning, and comfort those who are dying. God bless all of you! And keep doing what you are doing!

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