Monday, September 19, 2011

AAFP Scientific Assembly a TERRIFIC SUCCESS!

This year's AAFP Scientific Assembly in Orlando was a rousing success! It was a great time to catch up with alumni and friends from across the country, to see old (and new) faculty present talks, and to catch up on some needed CME.

This year, the Family Medicine Residency gave 7 different talks:
  1. Dr. Ariel Cole and Dr. Mina Zeini gave a talk on Preventative Medicine in the Elderly and Nursing Home Care. 
  2. Dr. David Koo gave a talk on Pediatric Anemia.
  3. Dr. Eddie Needham gave THREE talks!—Stress Testing, Fluids and Electrolyte Abnormalities, and Disorders Affecting Cardiac Function.
  4. Dr. Bob Vandervoort gave his Pharmaceutical Update 2011.
In fact, Dr. Bob was even featured on the AAFP Conference Newsletter! Dude, you totally rock!

AND there's MORE... From internal medicine...
  1. Dr. Daniel Tambunan gave a talk on Thromoembolic Disease and PE, Viral Hepatitis, and Lung Cancer.
  2. Dr. Vincent Hsu gave a talk on Emerging Infections and Infectious Disease.
Finally, we are grateful for Dr. Keehbauch who served on the Subcommittee for the Annual Scientific Program. She was instrumental in helping this event run as smooth as a baby's bottom. We all saw her running from room to room orchestrating the symphony we call the Scientific Assembly! And, in the end, we are glad to report that she was still smiling...

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