Monday, September 19, 2011

Dr. Garg Wins 3rd Place at AAFP!

We are so proud of our very own Dr. Deepika Garg (3rd year resident) for placing third place for her poster at the AAFP Scientific Assembly. She did a tremendous amount of work and her hard work paid off! Congrats Deepika! We are so proud of you!

Here is a picture of Deepika "working the crowd." She was quite busy! 

The title of our study was "The Street Value of Various Controlled Medications in the United States." 

We are also VERY proud of the other residents and faculty who presented posters at the Scientific Assembly! Here is Dr. Liz Sasse next to her poster "The Innovative Use of Everyday Technology to Affect Patient Care." She gave a case study on using her cell phone to document a neonatal seizure! How cool is that!

Here is Liz's poster... (I have to show it off a little since I had a hand in design it... Sorry...)

Liz and Deepika PROMISED that they didn't plan to dress the same. Yeah right!

Here's Liz presenting her poster...

Here is Dr. Tony Lee presenting a VERY interesting case of CSF leak causing a runny nose. On the day of the conference, Tony had a mild cold and some rhinorrhea and started to freak out! We all tried to comfort Tony by telling him that he was just too invested in his poster and that it was highly unlikely that his CSF was leaking out!

And finally, our esteemed faculty Dr. Guthrie presenting his study on lifestyle intervention and diabetes!

Here is his poster in all of its glory. He designed it himself and did quite a nice job! But, without a doubt, the best part of his poster was in the upper right hand corner!

The donut with an insulin syringe! Priceless!

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